Back to School/Work

Support the Program
As with all of our Wellness Services, Back to School/Work is unfunded and we rely on the generosity of donors in order to offer the program.
Donations are used to purchase computers & internet access for youth returning to school full time. Clothing may also be provided in the case of a prerequisite for employment.
The annual cost to offer this program is approximately $500. Please consider supporting this program with a donation. With your help, our clients' dreams are within reach!

I was able to go back to school with the help of this program.
Upstream Ottawa Client
[This program gave me] stable housing and access to internet for studying.
Upstream Ottawa Client

About the Program
Our Back to School/Work program provides financial assistance in removing barriers to education and employment for our clients.
Program participants may apply for assistance acquiring computers, internet access or clothing (uniforms & attire) for educational and vocational pursuits. The selective application of assistance in accessing education or jobs is often the ‘seed money’ someone needs to get back on their feet as a fully functioning member of society.