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Wellness Services

What are Wellness Services?

In addition to our clinical programs (ICM and AMANI), we offer a number of wellness services that support our clients holistically. Our wellness services are primarily designed to reduce the social isolation that often accompanies mental health and substance-use health challenges. In addition, our Wellness Services seek to address other challenges that our clients are often faced with, including poverty, food insecurity, housing instability, and unemployment.

All of our wellness services are funded internally, meaning we rely on the generosity of donors and sponsors to continue offering these critical programs. In supporting these services with a donation, you are helping a client gain community, build confidence, and strengthen capacity for coping with mental health and substance-use health challenges!

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Monthly program for our clients who identify as women. Participants share a meal together, engage in social activities, bond over shared experiences, and build confidence in coping with challenges.

Upstream Ottawa currently manages one 2-bedroom furnished apartment and one 5-bedroom group living unit.


Monthly program for all of our clients to enjoy a nutritious meal, connect with clinicians, engage socially with other clients, and learn skills necessary to lead self-guided lives.


Clients actively pursuing educational or vocational goals are eligible to apply for funding to support their informational and technological needs. 


Monthly outings are conducted in a variety of settings with the purpose of increasing clients exposure to Ottawa and its resources, as well as giving clients a reason to leave their homes and make new friends.

We address our client's largest barrier to support by offering transportation to and from services, appointments, and even the grocery store.

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