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Afri-Day by the Bay: A neighbourhood celebration of African culture


Updated: Jun 10, 2024

OTTAWA—Afri-Day by the Bay, to be held on August 19, will celebrate diverse African cultures in Bay Ward.

This free event, presented by Upstream Ottawa, held at the Ron Kolbus Clubhouse at 2825 Dumaurier Ave. in the Foster Farm community between 4 and 8 p.m., is for youth and their families in the neighborhood. The event is being held in partnership with BGC Ottawa.

Activities will include entertainment and sports, such as basketball, track and field 50-metre race, three-legged race/sac race, African drumming and dance, face-painting, music, hair grooming and prize-winning activities. Food and drinks will be provided.

The purpose of this event is to promote social interaction among neighbours, encourage equity and inclusion by welcoming all community members of Bay Ward.

Upstream Ottawa Mental Health Community Support gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the City of Ottawa and Bell Let’s Talk for their generous support of this event.

Upstream provides substance use and mental health supports for African, Caribbean and Black Youth and their families through a new program, recently added, called Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth (SAPACCY).

Since 1985, Upstream Ottawa Mental Health Community Support has provided a range of critical community supports and affordable housing options to adults and youth struggling with persistent mental illness and related issues. Services include: intensive mental health case management, housing, youth support services, crisis prevention, medication management and life-skills coaching.

More information can be found at

For more information about this event, please contact Ose Omoregie at 613-407-2084, or through email at



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